Implementation of PROM/PREM in Primary Care for Elderly Patients
The project aims to integrate Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROM) and Patient-Reported Experience Measures (PREM) into the primary care network for elderly patients. This collection of patient experiences and needs data is shared with healthcare providers and insurance companies to support targeted care interventions. Additionally, the project promotes the development of sustainable contracting models utilizing PROM/PREM data.
Primary Users:
- Primary Care Physicians and Nurses: Use collected data to tailor care to the needs of elderly patients.
- Health Insurance Providers: Access data for contracting and quality control purposes.
Patients regularly provide feedback on their health and treatment experiences. This data is securely collected and made accessible to relevant healthcare institutions. The results are used to optimize patient care and develop long-term contracting models.
To promote patient-centered care and create a foundation for data-driven decision-making in healthcare.
Project Partners:
- Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW): Responsible for institutional setup, consortium coordination, and supporting strategy development.
- EQK (External Quality Assurance): Provides significant project funding and supports the scaling and implementation of PROM/PREM.
- Healthcare Providers within the care network: Collaborate in implementing and adapting project goals.