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Structural Partners


The ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences is one of Switzerland's leading universities. It is active in the fields of teaching, research, continuing education and services – with a practical and scientifically sound approach. In research and development, it focuses on central social challenges, with a focus on energy and social integration. With its expertise in sustainable development and digital transformation, it imparts future-oriented knowledge and actively shapes digital and ecological change. With locations in Winterthur, Zurich and Wädenswil, it is firmly rooted in the region and works with a large number of international partners. The university comprises eight schools: Applied Linguistics, Applied Psychology, Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering, Health, Life Sciences and Facility Management, School of Engineering, School of Management and Law, and Social Work


With more than 27,000 students, the University of Zurich is the largest university in Switzerland. Founded in 1833, it was the first university in Europe to be established by a democratic polity. Seven faculties offer a wide range of courses at the bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels.

As a member of the League of European Research Universities (LERU), Universitas 21 and una europa, UZH is part of a select group of leading European research universities. As the largest and most diverse university in Switzerland, it is a magnet for top researchers and emerging talent from around the world. It has an outstanding international reputation and has received the highest honors in medicine, immunology, genetics, neuroscience, structural biology and economics. So far, twelve scientists from the University of Zurich have been awarded a Nobel Prize.

The UZH provides scientific services for the economy and society of the Canton of Zurich and the whole of Switzerland. It shares its knowledge in a variety of ways. The latest scientific findings are made accessible to the interested public in public lectures and events, museums and collections, as well as in libraries. The university hospitals, clinics and centers also make an important contribution to Switzerland's health care system.


The University Hospital Zurich (USZ) offers comprehensive basic medical care and cutting-edge medicine at various locations in Zurich every day. Thanks to its leading-edge university knowledge, it contributes to solving a wide range of health problems – in a patient-centered, highly specialized manner and based on the latest research.

Every year, the USZ treats around 42,000 inpatients and records over 600,000 outpatient visits. The employees ensure comprehensive and individual medical care across specialist boundaries. Top international rankings regularly confirm the quality of the entire USZ and its more than 40 departments. With around 900 hospital beds and almost 300,000 nursing days, it is one of the largest hospitals in Switzerland.

In research and teaching, the USZ is closely networked with the medical faculty and laboratories of the University of Zurich. It also cooperates with ETH Zurich in numerous ways. This means that the USZ plays a leading role in medical research in Switzerland and also enjoys an excellent international reputation. The professors are in continuous exchange with other universities and institutions for the further development of medicine.


Balgrist University Hospital is a highly specialized center of competence for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care of patients with musculoskeletal system problems.

As a university institution, they train future doctors on behalf of the University of Zurich. This training covers the fields of orthopedics, spinal cord injuries, rheumatology and physical medicine, sports medicine, neuro-urology, chiropractics, radiology and anesthesiology.

Their focus is on improving the quality of future health care, particularly in musculoskeletal medicine, through research, innovation and development.